discovering "Jesus-Culture" together
Lunchtime (Pocho out of Milletflour with beans). An allday-meal for Ugandan people. That is how it looks for us western people. Ugandans will have no fork or spoon. Bathroom for a short time a better building is to be build. The children are waiting for there Afternoon-Meeting. The kitchen, the place where all the meals…
We already told you before, that some of the children are eating rats. They are chasing them and make a barbeque without peeling them. There are many riscs. Some of the children are bleeding or have skin deseases cause of this food. David is advising them und is taking the sick ones as models for…
25.01.2018 Today it should happen. David and his family are prepared. The things are packed, the house rented. 4pm they want to come tp pick the kitchenstuff we bought together in the market. We are waiting. Time to look back. What a wonderful celebration we had on Sunday. we have been together with…